E hèm...giới thiệu giè bi giờ....^_^
Nói ít thui heng!!!
C'lor: Black of Death, Red of Blood, Yellow of Fire and White of Souls!!!
Pets: Cats, Dogs and Turtles!!!!!!!! ^_^
Favourite movies: Horror, Detective, Comedic/Romantic,.....
Favourite Music Gennes: Rock, Country, Instruments, Ballad,....
Hobbies: Playin' guitars and all the musical instruments I can play...^_^, chattin', history researchin',.....
Favourite subjects: History, English, Society researchin',...
Jobs: Tourist (officer, not guide...^_^), Musician, Society researcher,.....
Status: Haven't had a gf yet, but already a wife....hehe...^_^
My favourite quote: Hate this world or die!!!!!!!!