
» Graphic Design » Quảng cáo |     12-04-2007     | Tác giả: cjayez Đề cử tác phẩm Đặc sắc

Giới thiệu dự án

Let's see. I was inspired after listened to the song sung by [b]Nicholas Teo - Forgotten[/b]. I somewhat pictured the song to be like: a memory that was fogotten due to the pressure of life. So, that's my concept. However, if staying with that same concept without any support would be too plain. So, in the poster, I decided to add the "red line". As you can see, the line covered 1/3 of the poster, which symbolized memory. Even though we cannot recall detailly, we can still remember what happened. The dancer is dancing to the music. It's just like memory. Even though the dancer stop dancing for awhile, she still remembers the move when the music play. I wanna "ripped" the poster a bit so it can tell the story as well. The ripping effect stood for, the faded of time. As time passes by, we do not remember much, until something triggers us. And that's what the letter stands for, it triggers the event. hahahahahahahahhaah, wonder if it's hard to understand.

Zider đã tham gia gởi bình luận
cheese, b0yhlph0p, shiquanluudan
  1. cheese
    cheese 16-04-2007, 05:35 AM
    Ấy da cái vệt màu đỏ kì wớ àh. ngộ thík nị bỏ cái màu đó đó ih cơ. Hình như ngộ toàn làm hình dọc hok nhờ :D
  2. b0yhlph0p
    b0yhlph0p 14-04-2007, 03:04 AM
    nice, fav color
  3. shiquanluudan
    shiquanluudan 12-04-2007, 07:51 AM
    fav o______________o