Cần tuyển senior graphic designer / art director

Gởi lúc 28/08/2009

Trang chủ » Việc làm » Tuyển dụng
Vị trí: Cần tuyển senior graphic designer / art director
Ngành nghề: In ấn - Chế bản điện tử
Địa điểm: Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương:
Độ tuổi:
Giới tính: Nam/nữ
Loại hình: Toàn thời gian
Hạn chót hồ sơ: 29/11/1999
Yêu cầu cụ thể
Trình độ Trên ĐH
Kinh nghiệm không cần
Mô tả công việc - Produce design concepts that meet client creative briefs.
- Work with creative directors to develop design solutions
- Interpret brand direction, project guide and strategy to develop ideas and creative design.
- Client and internal feedback changes are appropriately interpreted and reflected in revised designs in a timely manner.
- Actively contribute in internal meetings such as brainstorming sessions & workshops.
- Ensure copyright laws are adhered to when designing with images and content.
- Responsible for performing finished artwork to a high quality of standard.
- To obtain understanding of many market/industry needs and drivers in order to effectively develop creative solutions for client requirements
- Indentifies and respond quickly to changes in the market trends and culture that may affect the creative outputs; style, tone, applications, etc.
- Apply knowledge of industry trends to improve branding concept development.
- Hire, train and direct staff members who develop design concepts into art layouts or who prepare layouts for printing.
- Review and approve proofs of printed copy and art and copy materials developed by staff members.
Kỹ năng yêu cầu - Having experiences in the same industry
- Being familiar Graphic software: Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, X-press, Pro-style, C-design, Corel draw, Acrobat professional, Image ready, Cad see etc
- Good English spoken
- Year of experiences: 03 years.
Thông tin khác
Nhà tuyển dụng
Whitemint Company Limited
Liên hệ: Do Hoang Ngoc
Địa chỉ: 48 Trần Quý Khoách, P. Tân Định, Q.1
Thành phố: Ho Chi Minh
Quốc gia: Vietnam
Điện thoại: 38437999
ĐTDD: 0913138058
Website: [link]
E-mail: ndo@whitemint.com.vn
Zider: kyconvn
WHITEMINT is an independent marketing solutions agency. Our full service agency encompasses brand development & strategy, creative design & digital, advertising, and events management.

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