Member / Cấp bậc: 2
Tham gia: 26-06-2006
  • Đã xem: 4214 trang
  • Lượt Fav: 4
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  • ZDA point: 401

LƯU BÚT (có tất cả: 32)

1. [siras]
(September 24, 2006, 3:07 pm)
_I like the quality of canon but the design of creative..
_so how is the cheapest model? can u give infos to me?
One more mile to Jericho
2. [siras]
(September 22, 2006, 1:11 am)
_any of your spare time ma'am.. ^^ enjoy your vacation first, then me... ^^
One more mile to Jericho
3. [siras]
(September 20, 2006, 3:07 pm)
_hihi.. thks 4 ur help.. just a 4mp camera.. ^^ i dont need more than it..
_try Sony or Canon... ^^
One more mile to Jericho
4. [siras]
(September 20, 2006, 7:39 am)
_hix.. just a ccd camera to take some family photos.. but can not accept the price here..
_can u help me checking the price there ?
One more mile to Jericho
5. [siras]
(September 18, 2006, 4:35 am)
_im here.. am busy for a while.. looking for a camere.. too expensive.. T_T
One more mile to Jericho
6. [siras]
(September 8, 2006, 4:26 am)
_giấu kỹ gì vậy ta? ^^
_đâu có gì đâu mà giấu?
_back from your vacation yet?
One more mile to Jericho
7. [siras]
(September 6, 2006, 10:02 am)
_i dont understand what u mean ma'am?
_what is hide?? what is SHE ?
One more mile to Jericho
8. [siras]
(September 5, 2006, 1:15 am)
_what do u want to complain? anything wrong? or i did not tell u anything? ^^
_good day ma'am
One more mile to Jericho
9. [siras]
(September 3, 2006, 2:36 am)
_haha.. ma'am.. ma'am... ma'am...
One more mile to Jericho
10. [siras]
(September 2, 2006, 4:25 pm)
_yeah.. happi when hearing good news from u..
_pls take time to relax.. you will need it..
One more mile to Jericho
11. [siras]
(September 1, 2006, 8:55 am)
_thks ma'am.. next 3 day-offs will be good for me.. need some relaxation..
_how things are there ?
One more mile to Jericho
12. [siras]
(August 30, 2006, 1:47 am)
_thks 4 watching my diary..
_just got recovered and returned home from hospital..
_back to work.. but im fine now.. ma'am..
_cheers for health..
One more mile to Jericho
13. [siras]
(August 11, 2006, 3:13 am)
_haha.. you need to learn how to cope with your partner ^^ and then everything will be ok.. calm down ma'am.. dont claim too much ^^
_nice days..
One more mile to Jericho
14. [siras]
(August 10, 2006, 3:44 am)
_hey ma'am youre online ? huh?
_what kind of trouble you are running into ? so hot ^^? so desire? ^^
_nice days ma'am
One more mile to Jericho
15. [siras]
(August 9, 2006, 1:07 am)
_sshhh.. you make me feel so complicated about love.. about feelings..
_how things turn on there ?
One more mile to Jericho
16. [siras]
(August 5, 2006, 2:47 pm)
_ouch.. anything you can describe me my ma'am...
_eat & sleep are both good for your health.. keep going on them
_nice days
One more mile to Jericho
17. [siras]
(August 5, 2006, 1:08 am)
_execuse me ma'am.. what is lang mang mean? and how is a lang mang guy?^^
_thks for cm my artwork..
_still ok there?
One more mile to Jericho
18. [siras]
(August 4, 2006, 1:16 am)
_haha.. it's sad yeah.. but i found sth like freedom in that..
_hope you enjoy your life there.. ;)
One more mile to Jericho
19. [siras]
(August 3, 2006, 2:35 am)
_ma'am.. cant belive the girl behind glasses i knew can become a housewife.. haha.. soundz funny and unbelivable..
_hey.. you are not online huh? i hope you sweet days with him.. you deserve it.. and him too ^^ take this opportunities to enjoy your life.. and him :p ^^
_did u forget to fav my pix? do it ma'am.. ^^
_nice days..
One more mile to Jericho
20. [siras]
(August 3, 2006, 1:10 am)
_thks again for cm & fav my pix.. see.. zidean is you homepage now.. how come the habit of checking Zidean everyday?
_about Usb.. sorri ma'am i havent decide yet.. so busy.. but i will..
_today you will take flight to him.. good luck ma'am.. you deserve everything you want..
_see you around
One more mile to Jericho
21. [max]
(July 31, 2006, 1:10 am)
Rec cho bạn mới
Nơi đô thành chỉ một mình trơ trọi
Giữa biển người sao vẫn thấy cô đơn ....
22. [siras]
(July 29, 2006, 1:13 am)
_Thks ma'am.. you like it.. that all i want.. no more..
_anyway, bg letters ? sorry.. i dont even understand it.. ^^
_thks 4 cm
One more mile to Jericho
23. [siras]
(July 28, 2006, 3:11 am)
_dont worry.. im fine.. and will try to release another pixs..
_thks ma'am
One more mile to Jericho
24. [siras]
(July 28, 2006, 1:32 am)
_you dont have to be sorry, esp to me.. ma'am.. you didnt cause anything that happening to me now.. i mean it.
_when i look back.. somebody was there.. take my feelings back.. but no more.. its hard to tell you whats wrong and right.. what should and shouldnt to to..
_keep going.. i try to push myself up those days .. so much things waiting for me..
_thks again ma'am & and good luck
One more mile to Jericho
25. [siras]
(July 27, 2006, 1:10 am)
_thks ma'am.. this one is for you ma'am..
_so much complicated feelings at the moment.. it's so hard for me .. now..
_wish u lucky at your final..
One more mile to Jericho
26. [siras]
(July 23, 2006, 3:47 pm)
_sorri ma'am.. doesnt like blending girl models at the moment.. trying to make sth differently.. so i made them..
_as your request, next pix will be not soccer any more..
_thks 4 cm me..
One more mile to Jericho
27. [siras]
(July 18, 2006, 4:14 am)
_thks ma'am.. about things you said... just watched the movie eight below.. so wanna make some thing cold.. and it came to that winter..
_thks 4 cm ma'am
One more mile to Jericho
28. [siras]
(July 17, 2006, 3:57 pm)
_You dont like it? yes she's sad .. because she's lonely and cant stand that feelings
_..wanna some expression on her face.. so made it looked sad...
One more mile to Jericho
29. [siras]
(July 3, 2006, 2:01 pm)
_sorri.. a little bit busy at the moment.. so do not have time for new ones..
_maybe in near future.. when i am cope with my works..
One more mile to Jericho
30. [Judaz]
(June 28, 2006, 11:37 pm)
Hi random zider!
Welcome to ZDA.

Cách trả thù duy nhất của một bông hồng bị dẫm nát là tỏa ra hương thơm.
31. [siras]
(June 27, 2006, 4:40 pm)
_so.. you like it? if so.. pls Favorite it.. ma'am.. ^^
_welcome to my artworks...
_hope u getting some relaxation there
One more mile to Jericho
32. [siras]
(June 27, 2006, 5:58 am)
_gosh.. cant believe u sign my guestbook.. esp after u said about not having time..
_thks 4 watching my artwork.. why not leave a comment? Ill welcome it..
_thks about words 4 my mom.. she's better now.. and i feel better too..
_keep good work though. see u around..
One more mile to Jericho

Bạn bè Tất cả

  • sirassiras
  • maxmax


  • siras September 24, 2006, 3:07 pm
    _I like the quality of canon but the design of creative..
    _so how is the cheapest model? can u give infos to me?
  • siras September 22, 2006, 1:11 am
    _any of your spare time ma'am.. ^^ enjoy your vacation first, then me... ^^
  • siras September 20, 2006, 3:07 pm
    _hihi.. thks 4 ur help.. just a 4mp camera.. ^^ i dont need more than it..
    _try Sony or Canon... ^^
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